28. How much does rent cost/month? We pay no rent. We pay land taxes only. Last year we paid based on our ability:50 Bir ($9 USÑPart of the 50 Bir was for the previous year because the new government did not collect taxes during the first year of transition.) This year taxes will be higher. 29. If you own, did you buy the house or inherit it? Our land was formerly Getu's father's and his grandfather's. The military regime nationalized all lands and the new government plans to maintain the nationalized land policy. As long as our land tax is paid we can continue to "hold" it. We returned to our land from a villagization project 4 years ago. We had to apply to leave the village and pay a 5 Bir share. 30. Is it government subsidized? Yes. The new government will maintain the existing nationalized land policy. 31. How much did it cost to buy? How did you do it? We have been on our land for generations. Now we must pay land taxes to the government. 32. How many rooms and how many square feet is it? Two rooms: One for all activity including cooking, sleeping, eating; and one smaller room for food storage. It is 5 meters by 6 meters. 33. Do you own any other property outside of your dwelling? Yes. Our farm land is 2.5 hectares, not including where our home is. The land tax is based on this farmland, not the home. The land is allotted by the government and "held" through a "lease." Family Education & Well-Being 34. Are your family members literate, and if so, which ones? Getu is the only family member who can read in Amharic using Ethiopian script. Zenebu can read and write her name only. Getu plans to put Teshome in school next year. School is taught only in the local dialect, Oromo.